Friday 21 March 2014

Jobless Graduates Write Open Letter To President Jonathan

Our dear president,
We write this letter to you with great passion,
and in a state of curiosity and concern. We
understand your zeal as the President of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria to invest in the next
generation of the country’s youths by presenting
a budget that contains reasonable projects that
are aimed at tackling the far-reaching malady of
UNEMPLOYMENT in our beloved country,
But, it is so unfortunate that the unemployed
graduates of Nigerian institutions of higher
learning have no representatives at the ongoing
National Conference. Having read the modalities
of the National Conference and the components
involved, we are convinced without prejudice or
doubt, that our children would blame us if we
fail to inform you, Mr. President, of the mockery
of the committee as a result of misplaced
Mr. President Sir, the only common element
which costs less, and can solve the myriad of
problems faced by most Nigerians is
Unemployment is a big challenge in Nigeria,
which over the years has represented a lost
opportunity for national economic development.
With the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
putting the current rate of unemployed Nigerians
at 23.9 per cent, up from 21.1 per cent in 2010
and 19.7 per cent in 2009, the rising
unemployment rate in Nigeria has in no small
measure contributed to the continuous rise in
social vices like terrorism, political thuggery,
violence and even teenage pregnancies among
youths in many parts of the country.
In view of these, the Association of Nigerian
Graduates against Unemployment, an
association of well cultured youths and
intellectuals, was formed. We represent the
frustrated and angry youths in the society,
forced to act after going through the 492
political selections for the National Conference
and noticing the deafening silence concerning
unemployment and the unemployed.
We are happy you know, according to
statements credited to you, that Nigerians are
already talking about their national challenges
through the print, electronic and social media
and this is how we intend to make our voices
The politicians will give the same answers and
report only what they feel you would be
comfortable hearing. The truth, Mr. President, is
far from comfortable. What affects us is
UNEMPLOYMENT, and we want you to take a
critical look at the following issues:
1. Contract Staffing – This is in fact one of the
biggest problems hindering graduates from
getting jobs. Most of those assumed to be
workers in most industries, firms and companies
are in fact, not permanent staff. They are all
under-employed and are also competing with
fresh graduates for any available vacancy.
2. Age limit as a prerequisite for employment
3. The issue of years of experience by several
government ministries and parastatals.
4. Employment not being on merit.
5. Provision of social welfare for all unemployed
graduates and more for the physically challenged
graduates. (Return to the quota for each firm to
employ, as a percentage of their total workforce,
a specific percentage of physically challenged
Mr. President, from the various statistics we
have from the National Bureau of Statistics, and
other sources, the number of unemployed
citizens ranges from 30 to 45 million, and that is
about the population of five major cities in
Nigeria. An average of 4.5 million graduates
enter into the job market annually with no
access to soft loans or any type of enabling
environment coupled with epileptic power supply,
even after the privatization of PHCN.
The “YouWin” programme is more like and very
similar to the visa lottery game, where only
lucky winners are empowered and only the
families of public office holders and those in
government get the little available jobs. We are
citizens and should also be given access to
enjoy social facilities like those in government
NHIS scheme. We are products of our society
and we want to be treated equally like those in
We passed through various challenges and
delays in school such as ASUU strikes, late
school enrolment due to poverty and/or
ignorance, bureaucratic arrangement in
government, unfortunate policies and
administrative problems.
Mr. President, we live in a country where people
now sell jobs. Everyone had hitherto been quiet
about this completely unacceptable and
despicable act and it must be looked into. We
are human capital, and this is by far, the
greatest asset any country can have. We are
worth more than the oil in the South-South or
the pepper from the North. We cannot afford to
sit down and watch ourselves waste away
Our dear president, we commend you for what
has been done so far in addressing the issue of
unemployment such as NDE, YouWin and others,
but we are asking that you help us to help this
nation and youth restiveness caused by
unemployment by empowering us.
We are tired of running out of our fatherland to
foreign countries and yet treated and addressed
as third class citizens through Visa bonding and
the rest, when our country is blessed.
The stakes are high now and we are using this
opportunity to address the polity that this
association is not a political movement or a
violent sect. We are a pressure group crying out
in splinters but with one voice for our needs in
our country ,Nigeria. We denounce and
disassociate ourselves from the methodologies
of some home based terror groups/sects in the
Northern part of Nigeria that have adopted
violence and are unleashing carnage on the
society in fighting their cause.
However, it should not be forgotten that the
problems of these Home Terror groups in the
North started when their needs were not met,
and with lots of anomalies in their society. Now
it’s spiraling and all nations are called to join in
securing the region. All we are saying is listen to
our cries now and not when things go bad. We
are accessible and open for discussions on how
to forge ahead in addressing the problems of
unemployment with your support.
Mr. President Sir, ignoring the points raised here
can have unpleasant consequences. We implore
you to urgently address these points to halt the
steadily growing number of angry and frustrated
unemployed graduates who may be tempted to
channel their knowledge and energy into
negativities. God bless you, sir, as we await your
speedy response and God bless Nigeria.
By Ehis Abuya
National Coordinator, Association of Unemployed

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