Friday 9 May 2014

Gov Godswill Akpabio expresses reservations about abducted girls

During an interview with Channels TV Sunrise programme
yesterday, Akwa Ibom State governor, Godswill Akpabio
expressed his reservations about the kidnapped school
girls. He wondered why no gun was fired during the kidnap,
and why it took Boko Haram two weeks to take
responsibility for the kidnapping and also why the
statements made by the sect leader tallied with what local
media had been reporting for weeks. He probably also has
doubts, but as a governor, he was careful with his words.
Some of what he said below...
"I don't have the details but there are a lot of
mysteries surrounding this situation. Two hundred
and thirty something girls, for you to take them out of
the school, you need a lot of vehicles. I believe if they
were walking, definitely it would have been possible
for at least one person to have seen these girls. I
think there is a regime of fear around those areas
where these things are prevalent. Its almost like a
conspiracy of silence where nobody is ready to talk
because I can't imagine maybe 237 girls moving on a
bush track or otherwise, at least one or two villagers
would have seen and the stories are a bit difficult to
comprehend. What were the security agents in that
area doing? What was the reaction of the school
principal? And how come the principal's daughters
were not abducted? The female teachers were not
touched? Continue...
Some of them were said to have escaped...maybe gun was fired.. not a single child was fired
and you know that has not been the practice in the past.
And it has taken Boko Haram almost three weeks to come
up to say we are the ones who did this and you know
almost all the things suggested in the local media are the
same things they are now saying. For instance, we have
somebody, I don't know if it was Channels TV who said oh
the girls have been sold for N2,000 and all of a sudden the
main man came up on CNN and on Youtube and said I am
going to sell your girls. So its as if we are even suggesting
to them what they should do. He did not say I have sold
your girls but the other person said the girls have been sold
to their various husbands. So I think we must focus on
rescuing those girls and drop a little bit of politics and a
little bit of propaganda. Its a situation that touches all
families. I have four girls in my family, four daughters so
you can imagine I am not sleeping well and I don't expect
any parent in Nigeria to sleep well until the girls are back"
he said.

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