Friday 9 May 2014

Thursday , May 8 , 2014 Gen. Buhari writes on abducted Chibok girls, c

Former Head of State and chieftain of the All Progressive
Congress APC, today released a statement on the missing
Chibok girls. In the statement, he said Boko Haram men are
mindless bigots who are not followers of God. See his
statement below...
Over the past few weeks, the abduction of the school
girls at Chibok, Borno State has underscored the
threat we have been facing as a nation in recent times
from the actions of misguided persons masquerading
as adherents of Islam.
Our hearts are with families who have lost loved ones
in this cycle of senseless violence. We also
empathize with the parents of children whose
daughters are in the custody of a group of anarchists.
That horrific video posted on the Internet is a clear
manifestation of the mindlessness of the bigots. It shows
them for whom they are, such men cannot threaten nor
should they be allowed to violate our sovereignty. It is
clear from what they profess that they are not followers of
God. They do not mean well for our country and her
citizens. I am a Muslim, I am versed in the teaching of
Christianity and I understand both religions to seek
peaceful co-existence of all humanity.
I wish to reiterate that there is no justification whatsoever
for this unrestrained disregard for the sanctity of human
life. It has no place in the Holy Quran and neither does it
have a place in the Holy Bible.
Let these people know that the entire civilized world is
united against their terrorist act. We are grateful to the
world for standing by Nigeria at this trying time. We hope
and pray that the young ladies will be reunited with their
respective families in the days to come.
While the Federal Government and the nation’s Armed
Forces are working to ensure citizens’ safety under the
present situation, we believe that more could still be done
to ensure the safety of Nigerians and the Nigerian nation.
We are therefore glad that the Federal Government has
accepted international support in the search for the
missing girls and for an end to the insurgency in parts of
the country.
I fought for a united Nigeria. In my old age, I want my
grand children, your grand children, our youths and indeed
all Nigerians to benefit from a prosperous and united
country devoid of sectarian violence whether home grown
or imposed on us from outside.
Now is not the time to play politics. Now is also not the
time to trade blames and amplify our ideological
differences. The unity of Nigeria is not negotiable and
nothing should divide us as a people. I therefore urge all
Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora to support the
country in her effort to bring an end to this attack on
defencelesscitizens and indeed a united nation.
We must put aside all other considerations and ensure that
our country Nigeria pulls together now so as to recover our
sovereignty. After all, we all know that Nigeria is the ONLY
country we have that we can call our own.
God help and bless Nigeria.
Thank you.

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